Kids Sewing Project – Pajama Pants

We joined a new co-op and my daughter’s class of 10-12 year olds was having a movie pajama party. She really wanted to make her new pajama pants to wear to the party, so I moved the pajama pants sewing project up on the priority list.

Custom heart-shaped pockets were attached to the legs first

Since K got a movie party at co-op B and S wanted a movie party too. Now that you mention it… I want a movie party too! I told the boys that when they finished sewing their pajama pants, we’d celebrate with a movie party at home! Pizza, popcorn, root beer and candy!

cargo pockets first
This boy sews like a maniac as fast as he possibly can! Ouy Vey! His poor mother can barely keep up with supervising him. Perhaps he’s a wee bit too young for this project. Maybe give it another year for both our sanities… 🤦🏻‍♀️
He totally loves these navy blue plaid pants with penguin print cargo pockets. They fit perfectly!

Lastly, my oldest had his turn. He’s very meticulous and detail oriented which makes him a pretty good seamster. To anyone questioning me teaching my boys how to sew (I also teach them how to cook, do laundry, and wrap gifts) – you’re welcome! 😇 I’ve met people whose strict stereotypical gender roles are really a hindrance. My goal is to raise well-rounded, capable, kind, and compassionate human beings who follow Jesus. Not boys/girls who fit into boxes that the world has defined.

He was super proud to “build“ himself pants! There’s something really neat about buying some yardage of fabric, cutting it into odd shapes, sewing seemingly random parts together and then turning it all right side out to discover you can wear the thing! 😁

K ended up making a matching headband too

Happy homeschooling & sewing friends!

4 thoughts on “Kids Sewing Project – Pajama Pants

  1. Please tell them all how incredible their PJs are! WOW! Momma, hats off to the “well-rounded” boys and girl you are “growing” and nurturing. You all touch my heart in profound ways. I love the life and learning oozing around you all. Great job! God bless you all! I love the styles, the pockets, and the smiles!

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